Author: Jean-Pierre Fortin (0008)
Photos: courtesy of Mariette Caouette Fortin (0074)
Translated by: Louise Gosselin (0013) and Robert House
Source: Fortinfo, # 2 – decembre 2002, pages 1-2-3
Last update: decembre 2002
Saint-Joachim - 2002
Our first large gathering
1st President of the Association des Fortin d’Amérique
As the sun rose last August 17, the welcoming committee under the guidance of Gisèle Vézina (012) arrived at the basement of the Town Hall of St-Joachim, ready to receive members of the family parentage by 8:00 AM..
From left to right : Hélène Fortin, Irène Fortin, Louisette Fortin, Julie Fortin et Bibianne Fortin. Photo : Mariette Caouette Fortin (074), 2002.
Everyone who had been previously registered was given a card with their name and town of residence. A souvenir pamphlet given to each family, identified the main places where our ancestor Julien and his wife Geneviève lived and was to be used as a program during the afternoon tour. As more cousins arrived, an aura of conviviality was rapidly established between them over a cup of coffee.
At 10:00 AM, a mass was celebrated by Raymond-Marie (018), assisted by Roger (093) and Jean-Paul Asselin (241) in the historical Church of St-Joachim. The parish choir was excellent and ended its presentation by interpreting Notre-Dame du Canada which moved more than one. To help follow the songs and prayers, Jean-Marie (005) had prepared a souvenir leaflet. After the celebration, Jean-Pierre (008) welcomed everyone and André (002) offered a guided tour of the church.
Afterwards, everyone was directed to the Hôtel Val des Neiges where were our headquarters for the rest of the day. Between the various activities scheduled for the day, an exhibition was organized by Lawrence Bernard (014) where we could study and admire pictures, old cards and genealogical work done by the members. Also, interested persons had the opportunity to get their direct family chart back to Julien Fortin. This was done by computer, utilising our data base of the Fortin family.
The brunch was slightly delayed and the general assembly started during dessert in order to respect the timetable. The members present adopted the rules of the organization and elected a board of administration of 13 persons for the next year. The board elected the following officers:
- President: Jean-Pierre Fortin (0008) Beauport
- Vice-president: Marcel Fortin (0237) Chambly
- Secretary: Jean-Marie Fortin (0005) St-Jean-Port-Joli
- Tresurer: René Fortin (0022) Montmagny
- Administrator : Achille Fortin (0082) Québec
- Administrator : André Fortin (0002) St-Joachim
- Administrator : André Fortin (0043) Lévis
- Administrator : Anita Fortin (0143) Longueuil
- Administrator : Bibiane Fortin (0019) Longueuil
- Administrator : Hélène Fortin (0021) St-Dominique
- Administrator : Jean-René Fortin (0110) Baie-St-Paul
- Administrator : Louis-François Garceau (0006) Charny
- Administrator : Gisèle Vézina (0012) Beauport.
The afternoon was reserved to visit the locations where Julien Fortin and Geneviève Gamache lived. Four buses with guides were used to take 360 persons to his tour. People had the opportunity to see the ruins of the ancestor St-Joachim Church where, may be, the ancestor Julien was buried. Mr Piere Gaudin, director of The Initiation to the Patrimony Center at La Grande Ferme, explained the importance of the farm at the beginning of the colony. After passing in front of Julien Fortin’s land, the guides gave the participants information concerning La Petite Ferme and the Château Bellevue located on Petit Cap (coteau) Fortin).
Pierre Gaudin, Director of the Center of Patrimonial Information, is standing on the ruins
of the first St-Joachim Church giving historical details about the site to a group of participants.
A cocktail took place before the banquet and then, to complete the event, Cora Fortin gave a conference about the Fortin-Gamache couple.
During the following weeks, we received many comments by letter and internet and everyone who took the time to write truly enjoyed all the activities. We tried to organize a family party where everyone felt at ease and welcome. What will we do next year?
The new board of administration will certainly take decisions to make the Association des Fortin d’Amérique progress..