Les descendants de

Julien Fortin 1621-1690 et Geneviève Gamache 1636-1709

Saint-Georges de Beauce - 2006

Author: Huguette Fortin (0128)
Photos: Courtesy of Gloria Fortin-Packard (0322), Richard L. Fortin (0016), Bernard Lebeuf
Source: Fortinfo, # 10 – decembre 2006, pages 21-24
Last update: novembre 2006
Email: info@afafortin.com

The annual meeting of the Association des Fortin d’Amérique was held in the beautiful Beauce region last July 8th.

At 10:00 am, the participants are greeted at the Hotel Georgesville. Fortins came from all regions of Quebec, Ontario and the United States to participate at the meeting which has been held annually since 2002. The welcoming committee hands out confirmation of the reservation for supper as well as tourist folders describing the large Beauce region which is criss-crossed by the Chaudière River.

The paticipants are invited to visit an exhibition of photos which are mainly of Fortins from the Beauce region and they can also see family trees where the names of our ancestors are listed, starting with Julien, the first Fortin to arrive in Nouvelle-France.

At a kiosk, many articles are for sale by the Association: Coat of Arms, pins, fortinfo magazine and souvenir collection of the previous meetings.

Mrs France Fortin Milot is present to sell and autograph her book titled:
« T’en souviens-tu ? », an anecdotal story of what life was like in Lac St-Jean from 1930 to 1951. To thank the Association for letting her promote her book, Mrs Fortin Milot made a contribution to the Association.

Mr Jean-Pierre Fortin and his wife Mrs Gisèle Vézina are present with their computerized information database.
They answer questions, gather genealogical information and scan pictures which will be added to the database of the Association.

During the afternoon, people are invited to go to St-Georges Church. Mr André Garant, historian, speaks about the involvement of the Fortins in Beauce. He reminds us that the Beauce was colonised from the North to the South, from Ste-Marie, to St-Joseph, to St-François (Beauceville) and to St-Georges. Investigating the traces left by the Fortins in the Beauce archives, we find many outstanding facts that Mr Garant explains during the conference.
See the conference summary. Voir le résumé de la conférence.

Then, Mr Jules Maheux, responsible of the committee Visit-Art makes guides us through one of the most beautiful churches in Quebec. The St-Georges Church is a patrimonial jewel and charms the visitors by its architecture and its rich interior decoration made of wood carving, gilding and works of art.

After this visit, people go back to the Georgesville Hotel where the annual general meeting of the Association is held. Approximately 80 people attended. The President, Mr Achille Fortin, presents the financial report, advises of the different activities in which the Association participated during the year and presents the project “A trip to France”, land of our ancestors. In order to make this trip possible, a minimum number of reservations are required and a file has to be opened at the travel agency which costs about 500.00$. Unanimously, the assembly authorizes the expense.

The next item is the election of the members of the Board of Administration. Five persons have reached the end of their mandate and three positions are vacant due to resignations. Seven 2 year positions and one 1 year position are to be filled. After their names are placed in nomination, Achille Fortin, René Fortin and Rolande Fortin renew their mandate. Three new members join the Board of Administration : Philippe Côté, Gisèle Vézina and Jean-Philippe Fortin. Two positions, one of 1 year and one of 2 years duration, remain vacant. We wish to thank Violette Fortin and Hélène Fortin who have completed their term.

The members of the Board of Administration get together to determine the officers who will form the new Board of Administration. After a short period, they return to the general assembly and the election president announces the formation of the Board of Administration for the nest two years.

President: André Fortin (043)
Vice-president: Charles Fortin (459)
Secretary: Carrier Fortin (472)
Treasurer: René Fortin (022)
Administrator : Jean-Pierre Fortin (008)
Administrator: Gisèle Vézina (012)
Administrator : Achille Fortin (082)
Administrator: Huguette Fortin (128)
Administrator: Rolande Fortin (305)
Administrator: Philippe Côté (537)
Administratorr: Jean-Philippe Fortin (638)

From left to right:
Philippe Côté, Charles Fortin, Jean-Pierre Fortin, René Fortin, Gisèle Vézina, André Fortin, Rolande Fortin, Huguette Fortin, Carrier Fortin, Achille Fortin.
In front of: Jean-Philippe Fortin

The general assembly terminates around 4:30 pm. Everyone fraternizes while waiting for the supper at 6:00 pm. Mr Achille Fortin, former president, welcomes Mr Daniel Lessard who represents the Mayor of St-Georges and invites him to speak to the members of the Association. Mr Lessard talks about his town and region with pride and enthusiasm. He ends his speech by proposing a guided tour of the Marie Fitzback Center where an exhibition on the Beauceron entrepreneurship is being presented.

After supper, anyone interested can go to the west side of town, near the church and Mr Lessard will be glad to show them another facet of the Beaucerons.

Mr Achille Fortin thanks the mayor’s representative and presents him with a copy of the Coat of Arms of the Association des Fortin d’Amérique as a souvenir of our presence at St-Georges on July 8, 2006.

Presentation of the certificate to Diane Fortin (331)
Presentation of the certificate to Monic Major (554)

Prior to dessert, Mr Achille Fortin gives life membership certificates to four members of the Association: Mrs Diane Fortin (331) and Mrs Monique Major (554) who are present receive their certificates. Mr Francis-E. Fortin and Mr Auguste-H. Fortin are absent and will get their certificates by mail. Then, it is time for door prizes: a laminate of the Coat of Arms is given by the Association and three books are given by Mrs France Fortin Milot, Mr Charles Fortin and Mrs Alphonse Fortin respectively.

Ms. France Fortin Milot presents her book “T’en souviens-tu ?” to Mr. Conrad Fortin (097)
Mr. Charles Fortin presents the book “Riopelle, Impression sans fin” to Mr. Clarence Fortin (373)
Ms. Alphonse Fortin presents the book “Chez Gonsague Fortin” to Mr. Marcel Fortin (237)


Mr. Achille Fortin presents a plaque of the coat of arms to Ms. Monique Fortin (307)

After supper, approximately 30 people go to the Marie Fitzback center where Mr Lessard invites us to discover the fascinating story of the people who built the Beauce. We discover the industrial history of the large Beauce region and its artisans. We learn how determined these people were to live and survive in this beautiful part of Quebec.

To conclude, we wish to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this assembly by being a member of a committee, by participating in the organization of this meeting or by being present. We also want to thank the staff of the Hotel Georgesville for their warm welcome, their collaboration and for the excellent supper served with a smile and friendliness.

We say: See you next time.