Les descendants de

Julien Fortin 1621-1690 et Geneviève Gamache 1636-1709

Rimouski - 2010

Authors: Carrier Fortin (0472) and Sylvie Ross (0668)
Photos: Courtesy of Michel Fortin (0148)
Translated by: Pierre-Alexis Fortin (0777)
Source: Fortinfo, # 18 – decembre 2010, pages 21-22
Last update: decembre 2010
Email: info@afafortin.com

A gathering were the ocean begins

Last July 17th the AFA welcomed it’s members in Rimouski. One hundred and twenty-five people answered the call and were able to fraternize while taking in the tourist and cultural aspects of Quebec’s maritime technologies. Carrier Fortin, the AFA’s secretary, who resides in this wonderful region, was responsible for this activity.

During the morning, the participants registered and accessed the exposition hall where they found our genealogical data base, sale of promotional items as well as collections of family pictures and boards showing the first five generations of descendants of Julien Fortin “dit Bellefontaine”.

It was also possible to view a slide show of the 2007 trip to France and of the 2009 Laval gathering.

After an open lunch, we had the pleasure, thanks to the nice weather, to view the city’s various tourist attractions, one of which being the Pointe-au-Père famous submarine museum: “the Onondaga.”

Also, many participants took in the fantastic view of the St. Lawrence, from “La Promenade”.

At 4.00 pm, the AFA held its general assembly in front of around eighty people.

Following the reading of the usual documents and the presentation of the financial results, our president, Rolande Fortin talked about the actions of the AFA during the past year.

As for the board members election, Jean-Philippe Fortin (638) resigned and was replaced by Sylvie Ross (668).

A cocktail was served at 6.00 pm followed by a fine meal. A copy of the AFA’s coat of arms was given to the host city representative, Mr. Jean-Yves Beaulieu.

Life membership certificates were presented to Andre Fortin (043) and to Carrier Fortin (472). Also, ten members received a fidelity medal.

The animation and the recreational aspect of the evening had been put in the good hands of Bertrand Fortin, a singer/keyboardist, from Rimouski. This was an important change from previous years evening endeavor. This formula seemed to please most people in attendance which enable many of them to show their dancing capabilities late into the night.

The 2020 gathering was made possible by the combined effort of the board members, the financial backing of sponsors and the employees of the Hotel des Gouverneur de Rimouski. Our thanks go to all those who made this gathering, at the Ocean’s doors, a success; and more so to those who attended.

Next meeting in Sherbrooke July 8, 9 and 10, 2011.