– Promote the pride of being part of the Fortin heritage.
– Discover Fortin descendants’ existence across North America.
– Maintain and enrich our genealogical legacy willed to us by Julien Fortin dit Bellefontaine and other ancestors.
– Develop membership loyalty from as many active members as possible to ensure the Association’s vitality.
– Inspire future generations’ sense of ownership to our history, our roots.
– Encourage the creation of events, contact means, activities, encounters and information exchanges among our members.
– Commemorate certain events and underline all members’ contributions to our family name’s legacy.
– Allow the sharing of knowledge and the deepening of the bonds that unite the descendants of our Fortin ancestors.
– Continuously update the Fortin families’ genealogy and, when appropriate, publish the resulting modified information.
– Promote works and genealogical reference documents of our Fortin heritage.
– Peruse Fortin Families’ settling roots across the North American continent.
– Archive all documents, photos, voice recordings or videos touching facts and accomplishments of our great family.
– Invite anyone bearing our family name, or is related to it by maternal ancestry, or is simply interested in the Association’s objectives,
to join our family Association.